100 Things About Me
In celebration of my 37th birthday (whoo hooo), I would like to share 100 things you might not know about me. This isn't in response to one of those email forwards that ask you chocolate or vanilla or whether you have ever been in a car accident. I saw Perri coming up with 100 things and figured I could do the same. All those blog tags about "7 weird things" are spinning around out there too, so I'm covering my bases. My blog was originally visited only by family, but now I have friends from all over who might like to know a little more.
ETA: I had asterisks instead of numbers. Now I'm adding numbers, (1) to prove there really are 100 things and (2) for ease of reference in your comments. If that sounds like a plea for comments, it is. We bloggers looooove comments.
100 things seems like a lot, so I decided to design a method to help me get there. I'll give you 33 things from my school days, 33 things from college through my twenties and 33 things from my thirties. And that will tell you what the first one is:
1. I think in a logical and organized fashion. I love math (my college minor) and even think through problems that don't involve numbers with mathematical principles. This could also be stated as "Tonya is a total nerd".
2. I was born on the last day of April. I used to tease Mike that this was April 31st, so he'd miss my birthday.
3. I was two weeks overdue and came via caesarian section after 18 hours of labor. Sorry Mom.
4. I was a good 'only child' and less than thrilled by the addition of my sister when I was almost four. I got to help pick her name, Pamela. Eh, she's ok now. :)
5. I hated kindergarten. I can remember throwing a screaming fit in the room one day because I wanted to go home. I did not like my teacher, Mrs. Leslie, at all. This seems odd to me now.
6. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Pam and I would "play school" all the time. I was a pre-school teacher for a year 2001-2002. My kids, including Aly, loved me.
7. In first grade, I got to go to a second grade reading group. I also wet my pants at my desk because we weren't allowed to interrupt Mrs. Harris during class. I "re-met" Mrs. Harris when we began attending First Baptist Church in Boonville. She is still a lovely lady, voracious reader and accomplished violinist.
8. Miss Boultinghouse, my second grade teacher, introduced me to the Little House books, let me pick Nancy Drew books from the third grade section of the library, and taught me a secret party trick called "black magic". I think this is when I learned to love to read.
9. In the third grade, I got another baby sister. I was a little perturbed that Mom was off at the hospital during the Loge School Spring Festival. I got over that too. Jamie's the coolest chick I know.
10. I had my appendix out in March 1980 and missed the school spelling bee. I remember sharing my room in Pediatrics with an 18 year old. She was mortified that no rooms were available on the 'real' floor, but was very nice to me. When the nurses offered a snack of ice cream, I requested a ham sandwich instead.
11. I was the second person "out" in the 1981 school spelling bee. I spelled "coach" as "couch". Ouch.
12. I was second runner up in the 1982 school spelling bee. Laura Neuman won. She was my friend Mike's cousin, and boy was he mad at me.
13. My neighborhood friends in grade school were all boys: Mike & Jeff, Todd, and Ryan. We climbed trees, rode bikes, played ball and stayed out till the streetlights came on. One day, Mike ran into our back door a little too hard and broke the glass.
14. We had a run in with the cops when our ball playing got too involved with a neighbor's garden. Mom went to school with the policeman on duty, so jail time was averted (ah, small town life). We were scared spitless anyway and never played ball near the garden again.
15. I played softball from the tee-ball years (is that 6? 7?) until I was 13 or so. I started out at first base (nickname: Stretch), and also played shortshop and second base. I ended up as the catcher.
16. I played softball again for the summer after my college freshman year when I worked with Dad at Anchor. Catcher again. I like to chatter, you know, "heeeeey batter batter, heeeeey". I also learned that I did not want to work in a factory ever again.
17. I joined the "dance team" in junior high (Pantherettes) and was a member all six years including high school (Trailblazers). The school dance team in the 1980s was very different from today's squads. I still remember most of our routine to "Footloose" and the one to "The Bird".
18. I performed a portion of the "Footloose" routine at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square on a business trip last year. They videotaped me and played it on the closed circuit tv. I no longer drink during business dinners.
19. I learned to say all of the being verbs (am is are was were be being been) and helping verbs (have has had do does did must might may can could shall should will would) in less than 5 seconds total in Mr. Lacer's English class. I also learned to say "yes" and "no" since a "yeah" or "huh-uh" would cost you a nickel.
20. I am terrified of drowning because of a mishap at Richard's Pool when someone shoved me into deep water and the lifeguard thought I was fooling. I was required to take swimming lessons in Freshman Gym class and have no idea how I got an "A".
21. I have only been pulled over for speeding once, when I was 16, in Chandler, on the way home from church. Even though I was doing 54 in a 40 mph zone, I was only given a verbal warning. Mom and Dad met me at the back door and already knew the whole story. Another 'benefit' of small town life.
22. Even though I'd attended church since I was three years old, I made the decision to give my life to Jesus when I was 16 and attending youth group with my friend Sherri.
23. Youth group was a huge part of my teen years, thank God. I never drank, smoked, or broke the law (um, ok, that speeding thing) during high school. My friends from that time are life-long. We got together for a reunion about 10 years ago.
24. Two minutes late coming home from Wednesday church curfew at 9:32 pm, I was grounded for two weeks. Two weeks!! I'm still late for most everything by at least two minutes.
25. I never dated anyone in my high school. My first date at age 16 was with a freshman in college (who, granted, did used to go to my high school). My only other high school boyfriend was from church.
26. I was definitely in the 'nerd' group at school. My best friend from junior high stopped speaking to me one day in 9th grade because I wasn't popular enough and was dragging her down. Seriously.
27. I've never attended a high school reunion. Our twentieth is next year. Maybe I'll go to see how the popular crowd is faring in life.
28. I made the first cut for the high school tennis team, but not the finals. I never tried out for any other school sport. I'm still pretty good at tennis.
29. In sociology class I insisted I'd never get married or have children. When forced, I guessed marriage at 24 and kids at 26.
30. I was married at 22 and had my first child at 23.
31. My first job (besides babysitting) was working the counter at Dairy Queen. Blizzards were brand new. I still think DQ ice cream is the best and can make the famous "ball and curl" upon request.
32. My first car was a bright yellow 1974 Chevy Vega. I paid $46/month on the loan and bought my own gas. The radiator leaked and made the car smell like maple syrup all the time.
33. I was a National Merit Scholar semi-finalist. I scored 1260 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT (back when the top score was 34, not 36). I graduated as valedictorian with a 4.0 GPA and received a Presidential Scholarship from Western Kentucky University.
34. Had it not been for extra credit, I'd have gotten a "B" in Mr. Chambers's Government class. Mr. Chambers taught Government to my parents too. I "re-met" Mr. Chambers when we began attending First Baptist Church in Boonville. He still scares me.
That's our first section. In college, and on through my twenties ...
35. I chose to attend WKU for three reasons: they had one of six genetics programs in the country; they offered me four years of college free, including room, board, and books; mom wouldn't let me go any further away.
36. My first roommate was my best friend from high school, Sherri. We lived in Potter Hall, on the third floor, with no air conditioning.
37. I changed my major from Biology to Chemistry when I got a "B" in Developmental Biology. I would have switched to Math, but I cannot comprehend Statistics. At all. Still.
38. I totaled my '74 Vega driving home from WKU in the rain. I rear-ended a truck in Reo, Indiana. The other driver got a ticket for leaving the scene of the accident.
39. Sherri totaled her car during spring break of our sophomore year. Her boyfriend fell asleep at the wheel and hit a guard rail. Sherri landed on her head in the opposite lane.
40. Sherri is still alive. So is her daughter, with whom she was pregnant at the time. She still has headaches and other pains from the accident, but she is a miracle and an inspiration to me.
41. I only went on one spring break trip to Florida. This was when I got word of Sherri's accident. It was the one and only time I've ever said to someone "be careful" as they left on a trip.
42. I was engaged to that boyfriend from church. I became a new person at college and broke the engagement. I encourage everyone to find themselves before they get serious with a boyfriend.
43. I was engaged in college too, and broke that one off. The third time was the charm.
44. I took my last final exam for my BS in Chemistry on 12/15/92. I was married 12/19/92. It was a busy week.
45. My wedding colors were purple and silver. My matron of honor and I (and Mom) made all of the flower arrangements, including my bouquet.
46. There are a zillion shades of purple. We divided them into "red purple" and "blue purple".
47. We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, TN. We forgot the camera, so our only picture is the one you buy for 10 bucks at the top of the skylift.
48. My next car, a 1990 Geo Prizm hatchback, was crashed when no one was in it. A policeman passing a car on the left swerved when the car turned left in front of him and crashed into the rear of our parked car. I think they're still in court over it. We had to pay our own deductible.
49. Mike's teenaged brother Chris moved in with us in February 1993, after we'd been married about two months. He lived with us until he graduated from high school in 1996.
50. I thought I had the flu in May 1993. I was pregnant.
51. Birth control pills are only 99% effective. I always did try to be in the top 1%.
52. I was the biggest "by the book" pregnant woman EVER. Regular checkups, prenatal vitamins, carried "What to Expect When You're Expecting" with me all the time, moved back to Boonville to be near my mom.
53. Zakary was born at 10:07 a.m. on Jan 7, 1994. He weighed 7 lbs 7.5 oz and was 21" long. He is the only child for which I recall the birth time, weight or length.
54. I haven't blogged about Zakary's illness, but I have several journals with all the details. This ordeal made me mad at God. I didn't speak to Him for years.
55. We moved to Indianapolis, and I took a night shift job at an imaging company (they had microfilm back then). Mike was on my shift and no one knew we were married.
56. I moved to the sales department as the secretary. I applied at a different company for a secretary position and was instead offered a job as a Claims Processor. So began my career in Insurance.
57. I went back on speaking terms with God when Isaiah died. We're still close :)
58. Aly was born July 24, 1998. I spent less than 24 hours in the hospital. I had learned to hate hospitals.
59. Although we'd been singing for years about partying "like it's 1999", I spent the morning of 1/1/2000 validating that our claims processing system was not affected by the Y2K bug.
60. I was a Mary Kay consultant for about 4 years. I made pretty good money selling the product and recruited several folks. I still use the skin care and cosmetics.
61. When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a nurse. Then I found out girls could be doctors. I wanted to be a pediatrician. Then a veteranarian. I still think I might go to Medical School some day.
62. My degree is in Chemistry, but I've never had a job where I applied it. I have used all those cool gadgets they have on CSI: mass spectrometer, gas chromotography, even mri.
63. I do not like Chemistry lab. Measuring out everything and mixing it and heating it. Too much like cooking. This is why I decided not to actual get a "chemistry job".
64. Favorite Song: "Lean On Me" by Club Nouveau, 1987. I remember this song while Michelle drove all of us stuffed into her little Honda on the county backroads to Evansville in the summer time.
65. Favorite Movie: "The Princess Bride", 1987. I didn't discover this movie till college, when we would have viewing parties. I can recite most of the dialogue by heart, much to the chagrin of my children.
66. Favorite Author: I can't pick one. Stephen King, Jonathan Kellerman, Lillian Jackson Braun, JK Rowlings. I love mysteries that make my brain work. Best series ever: the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
67. Favorite Musical Artist/Band: Amy Grant, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Shania Twain, Beach Boys
And now, my 30's, aka the new millenium:
68. I only drink whole milk. Skim and 2% are totally gross. Unless they are in my coffee.
69. My Starbucks order is obnoxious. Venti low-fat sugar-free vanilla latte, no foam, extra hot. In fact, in a video at work that portrayed an obnoxious manager, he ordered that exact drink. Ok, not exactly. He didn't say "extra hot".
70. Mike has "venti low-fat sugar-free vanilla latte, no foam, extra hot" written on a card in his wallet. For when he goes to Starbucks for me.
71. I am spoiled. What can I say? My husband loves me. We generally spoil our children as well.
72. We have the best-behaved spoiled children. Maybe they aren't spoiled. They don't expect to be showered with love, attention and gifts --but they are. I think spoiled kids expect it.
73. Pet peeve I hate most: self-centeredness. This covers pretty much any other pet peeve you can think of. Cutting me off in traffic? Self-centered. Yelling into a cell phone on a plane? Self-centered. Allowing your children to climb on the table at Denny's? Self-centered.
74. I visit internet chat boards almost every day. The links are over to the left on my blog. I've made some great friends, but never met any of them in person.
75. I use Instant Messenger almost every day too, to talk to my sister. She just moved to AZ but we still chat just like we live in the same town. PwC has a built in chat client and they encourage its use.
76. I work from home most days. I do occasionally go downtown to meet the client, or to the Tysons Corner office for team meetings. Most days, I'm attending conference calls in my jammies.
77. I am not as organized as I would like to be. I jot down notes and things to do all over the place. Sometimes I make lists with little check boxes. Usually, they are lost and important things are forgotten.
78. I like to say "time for a drink" when I get flustered. But I really don't drink much. I tasted beer for the first time last summer. I like to put salt in it.
79. I sleep with the TV on. All night. I usually have it on CourtTV and switch to the news around 5 am when "Body by Jake" or "Make Money in Real Estate" starts blaring.
80. The only magazine I subscribe to is Entertainment Weekly. We also get TVGuide but I didn't order it - it just showed up one day. I do buy scrapping magazines, but the one mag I subscribed to (Scrapbook Answers) discontinued.
81. I have a Garfield and Pooky stuffed animal collection. I have a small Pooky that I sleep with every night. Aly has one too, so even when I'm not home, we are connected.
82. I love to work puzzle books - crosswords, sudoku, kakuro, but my favorite are logic puzzles. If Mr. Green sits next to the lady with a yellow hat and Annie is across from the pediatrician, what are the names and occupations of the bridge partners? Just in case you really didn't believe that nerd business from before.
83. I wear headbands almost every day and my hair is just getting long enough for a pony tail. I had long hair when I was little until high school and I miss it. Headbands and pony tails give me a headache.
84. I almost never go barefoot outside the house. I can't stand for my feet to be dirty. The beach is not pleasant in that regard, because how do you ever get all that - blech - sand off before you get to the car?
85. I can't stand other people's feet to be dirty. Now, I am not anti-foot. A foot massage is one of my favorite things. I love pedicures. But I am definitely anti-dirty-foot.
86. I still have (and wear) socks that I bought in Junior High school. Mike gets me new socks all the time. I just can't give up socks that don't have holes. My faves? The black and yellow checked ones.
87. My favorite vacation (even given the dirty foot thing) is the beach. I want to sit and stare at the waves forever. Unfortunately, Mike's idea of vacation is to visit every shop, restaurant, putt-putt, and tourist attraction in whatever state we are in, usually one with mountains. We compromise. Many marriages would be saved if they'd just put a nice ocean in the middle of the mountains.
88. Hey, back to crashed cars. This one is a twofer: A few months after we moved to Boonville, a drunk driver missed the curve and crashed into our parked Chevy Cavalier. He pushed it into our living room, where Mike had fallen asleep on the couch. Then he drove through the yard and crashed into our '99 RAV4 SUV. The RAV4 landed in the neighbor's garden after taking out a fruit tree.
89. The driver ran from the scene. He admitted to being drunk but said he wasn't driving. Later he said he was driving, but fell asleep at the wheel. He spent a weekend in jail. A weekend. I have campaigned against drunk driving since I was a teen, and I will continue to do so.
90. I like to sing, but I'm not so good. Still, I've done it in church, in front of dozens of people. I do it in front of hundreds of people on the beltway too, but they aren't as appreciative.
91. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Most people find that odd for a Christian. I just like the dressing up and fun. It was always so fun as a kid and I love it still today.
92. I think Easter is a more important holiday than Christmas, but I think they are both so commercialized that they've lost their real meaning to most people. We don't color Easter eggs or give our kids Easter baskets. Nana does :)
93. I don't celebrate "greeting card holidays" like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day. We do let the kids make a card, but no flowers and gifts. We celebrate our love and our family every day.
94. I think there's nothing wrong with reading fiction like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and the DaVinci Code. I don't believe in talking bunnies, but I read Peter Rabbit to my kids. I can read about magic and other stories without compromising my beliefs.
95. I believe that depression is a real illness, and while the power of God can help someone who is suffering, a little medication goes a long way too. I struggle through depression without medication, and have anxiety attacks at least once a week.
96. I believe everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for our lives and gives us choices to make. It's better to ask Him for directions than to wander around between point A and Z. I think He'll always bring us back to point Z. Our way of getting there is just harder.
97. I believe in Heaven and Hell and angels and demons. A great fictional account of spiritual warfare is This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti. The book fictionalizes what is happening in the spiritual realm that affects our lives in the world.
98. I believe God made the world in 6 days, just like the Bible says. That makes the earth about 6000 years old. Yes, I know about carbon dating ... I'm a chemist, remember? Did you know that carbon dating is based on a 'best guess' and is not exact? Did you know most fossils are dated by the 'layers of earth' they are found in? Do you think a giant flood could have caused all those layers to happen at once instead of over billions of years?
99. I believe Jesus Christ was a real man that lived, died and was resurrected by the power of God. I believe he broke the bonds of sin and allows me to have a close and personal relationship with God.
100. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13). I learned that from Aunt Linda when I was 8 years old and it remains my favorite verse. All things!!
If you made it through all that, you know all there is to know about me. Congratulations. And I'm sorry. :)
ETA: I had asterisks instead of numbers. Now I'm adding numbers, (1) to prove there really are 100 things and (2) for ease of reference in your comments. If that sounds like a plea for comments, it is. We bloggers looooove comments.
100 things seems like a lot, so I decided to design a method to help me get there. I'll give you 33 things from my school days, 33 things from college through my twenties and 33 things from my thirties. And that will tell you what the first one is:
1. I think in a logical and organized fashion. I love math (my college minor) and even think through problems that don't involve numbers with mathematical principles. This could also be stated as "Tonya is a total nerd".
2. I was born on the last day of April. I used to tease Mike that this was April 31st, so he'd miss my birthday.
3. I was two weeks overdue and came via caesarian section after 18 hours of labor. Sorry Mom.
4. I was a good 'only child' and less than thrilled by the addition of my sister when I was almost four. I got to help pick her name, Pamela. Eh, she's ok now. :)
5. I hated kindergarten. I can remember throwing a screaming fit in the room one day because I wanted to go home. I did not like my teacher, Mrs. Leslie, at all. This seems odd to me now.
6. I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. Pam and I would "play school" all the time. I was a pre-school teacher for a year 2001-2002. My kids, including Aly, loved me.
7. In first grade, I got to go to a second grade reading group. I also wet my pants at my desk because we weren't allowed to interrupt Mrs. Harris during class. I "re-met" Mrs. Harris when we began attending First Baptist Church in Boonville. She is still a lovely lady, voracious reader and accomplished violinist.
8. Miss Boultinghouse, my second grade teacher, introduced me to the Little House books, let me pick Nancy Drew books from the third grade section of the library, and taught me a secret party trick called "black magic". I think this is when I learned to love to read.
9. In the third grade, I got another baby sister. I was a little perturbed that Mom was off at the hospital during the Loge School Spring Festival. I got over that too. Jamie's the coolest chick I know.
10. I had my appendix out in March 1980 and missed the school spelling bee. I remember sharing my room in Pediatrics with an 18 year old. She was mortified that no rooms were available on the 'real' floor, but was very nice to me. When the nurses offered a snack of ice cream, I requested a ham sandwich instead.
11. I was the second person "out" in the 1981 school spelling bee. I spelled "coach" as "couch". Ouch.
12. I was second runner up in the 1982 school spelling bee. Laura Neuman won. She was my friend Mike's cousin, and boy was he mad at me.
13. My neighborhood friends in grade school were all boys: Mike & Jeff, Todd, and Ryan. We climbed trees, rode bikes, played ball and stayed out till the streetlights came on. One day, Mike ran into our back door a little too hard and broke the glass.
14. We had a run in with the cops when our ball playing got too involved with a neighbor's garden. Mom went to school with the policeman on duty, so jail time was averted (ah, small town life). We were scared spitless anyway and never played ball near the garden again.
15. I played softball from the tee-ball years (is that 6? 7?) until I was 13 or so. I started out at first base (nickname: Stretch), and also played shortshop and second base. I ended up as the catcher.
16. I played softball again for the summer after my college freshman year when I worked with Dad at Anchor. Catcher again. I like to chatter, you know, "heeeeey batter batter, heeeeey". I also learned that I did not want to work in a factory ever again.
17. I joined the "dance team" in junior high (Pantherettes) and was a member all six years including high school (Trailblazers). The school dance team in the 1980s was very different from today's squads. I still remember most of our routine to "Footloose" and the one to "The Bird".
18. I performed a portion of the "Footloose" routine at the Hard Rock Cafe in Times Square on a business trip last year. They videotaped me and played it on the closed circuit tv. I no longer drink during business dinners.
19. I learned to say all of the being verbs (am is are was were be being been) and helping verbs (have has had do does did must might may can could shall should will would) in less than 5 seconds total in Mr. Lacer's English class. I also learned to say "yes" and "no" since a "yeah" or "huh-uh" would cost you a nickel.
20. I am terrified of drowning because of a mishap at Richard's Pool when someone shoved me into deep water and the lifeguard thought I was fooling. I was required to take swimming lessons in Freshman Gym class and have no idea how I got an "A".
21. I have only been pulled over for speeding once, when I was 16, in Chandler, on the way home from church. Even though I was doing 54 in a 40 mph zone, I was only given a verbal warning. Mom and Dad met me at the back door and already knew the whole story. Another 'benefit' of small town life.
22. Even though I'd attended church since I was three years old, I made the decision to give my life to Jesus when I was 16 and attending youth group with my friend Sherri.
23. Youth group was a huge part of my teen years, thank God. I never drank, smoked, or broke the law (um, ok, that speeding thing) during high school. My friends from that time are life-long. We got together for a reunion about 10 years ago.
24. Two minutes late coming home from Wednesday church curfew at 9:32 pm, I was grounded for two weeks. Two weeks!! I'm still late for most everything by at least two minutes.
25. I never dated anyone in my high school. My first date at age 16 was with a freshman in college (who, granted, did used to go to my high school). My only other high school boyfriend was from church.
26. I was definitely in the 'nerd' group at school. My best friend from junior high stopped speaking to me one day in 9th grade because I wasn't popular enough and was dragging her down. Seriously.
27. I've never attended a high school reunion. Our twentieth is next year. Maybe I'll go to see how the popular crowd is faring in life.
28. I made the first cut for the high school tennis team, but not the finals. I never tried out for any other school sport. I'm still pretty good at tennis.
29. In sociology class I insisted I'd never get married or have children. When forced, I guessed marriage at 24 and kids at 26.
30. I was married at 22 and had my first child at 23.
31. My first job (besides babysitting) was working the counter at Dairy Queen. Blizzards were brand new. I still think DQ ice cream is the best and can make the famous "ball and curl" upon request.
32. My first car was a bright yellow 1974 Chevy Vega. I paid $46/month on the loan and bought my own gas. The radiator leaked and made the car smell like maple syrup all the time.
33. I was a National Merit Scholar semi-finalist. I scored 1260 on the SAT and 32 on the ACT (back when the top score was 34, not 36). I graduated as valedictorian with a 4.0 GPA and received a Presidential Scholarship from Western Kentucky University.
34. Had it not been for extra credit, I'd have gotten a "B" in Mr. Chambers's Government class. Mr. Chambers taught Government to my parents too. I "re-met" Mr. Chambers when we began attending First Baptist Church in Boonville. He still scares me.
That's our first section. In college, and on through my twenties ...
35. I chose to attend WKU for three reasons: they had one of six genetics programs in the country; they offered me four years of college free, including room, board, and books; mom wouldn't let me go any further away.
36. My first roommate was my best friend from high school, Sherri. We lived in Potter Hall, on the third floor, with no air conditioning.
37. I changed my major from Biology to Chemistry when I got a "B" in Developmental Biology. I would have switched to Math, but I cannot comprehend Statistics. At all. Still.
38. I totaled my '74 Vega driving home from WKU in the rain. I rear-ended a truck in Reo, Indiana. The other driver got a ticket for leaving the scene of the accident.
39. Sherri totaled her car during spring break of our sophomore year. Her boyfriend fell asleep at the wheel and hit a guard rail. Sherri landed on her head in the opposite lane.
40. Sherri is still alive. So is her daughter, with whom she was pregnant at the time. She still has headaches and other pains from the accident, but she is a miracle and an inspiration to me.
41. I only went on one spring break trip to Florida. This was when I got word of Sherri's accident. It was the one and only time I've ever said to someone "be careful" as they left on a trip.
42. I was engaged to that boyfriend from church. I became a new person at college and broke the engagement. I encourage everyone to find themselves before they get serious with a boyfriend.
43. I was engaged in college too, and broke that one off. The third time was the charm.
44. I took my last final exam for my BS in Chemistry on 12/15/92. I was married 12/19/92. It was a busy week.
45. My wedding colors were purple and silver. My matron of honor and I (and Mom) made all of the flower arrangements, including my bouquet.
46. There are a zillion shades of purple. We divided them into "red purple" and "blue purple".
47. We honeymooned in Gatlinburg, TN. We forgot the camera, so our only picture is the one you buy for 10 bucks at the top of the skylift.

49. Mike's teenaged brother Chris moved in with us in February 1993, after we'd been married about two months. He lived with us until he graduated from high school in 1996.
50. I thought I had the flu in May 1993. I was pregnant.
51. Birth control pills are only 99% effective. I always did try to be in the top 1%.
52. I was the biggest "by the book" pregnant woman EVER. Regular checkups, prenatal vitamins, carried "What to Expect When You're Expecting" with me all the time, moved back to Boonville to be near my mom.
53. Zakary was born at 10:07 a.m. on Jan 7, 1994. He weighed 7 lbs 7.5 oz and was 21" long. He is the only child for which I recall the birth time, weight or length.
54. I haven't blogged about Zakary's illness, but I have several journals with all the details. This ordeal made me mad at God. I didn't speak to Him for years.
55. We moved to Indianapolis, and I took a night shift job at an imaging company (they had microfilm back then). Mike was on my shift and no one knew we were married.
56. I moved to the sales department as the secretary. I applied at a different company for a secretary position and was instead offered a job as a Claims Processor. So began my career in Insurance.
57. I went back on speaking terms with God when Isaiah died. We're still close :)
58. Aly was born July 24, 1998. I spent less than 24 hours in the hospital. I had learned to hate hospitals.
59. Although we'd been singing for years about partying "like it's 1999", I spent the morning of 1/1/2000 validating that our claims processing system was not affected by the Y2K bug.
60. I was a Mary Kay consultant for about 4 years. I made pretty good money selling the product and recruited several folks. I still use the skin care and cosmetics.
61. When I was little, I wanted to grow up to be a nurse. Then I found out girls could be doctors. I wanted to be a pediatrician. Then a veteranarian. I still think I might go to Medical School some day.
62. My degree is in Chemistry, but I've never had a job where I applied it. I have used all those cool gadgets they have on CSI: mass spectrometer, gas chromotography, even mri.
63. I do not like Chemistry lab. Measuring out everything and mixing it and heating it. Too much like cooking. This is why I decided not to actual get a "chemistry job".
64. Favorite Song: "Lean On Me" by Club Nouveau, 1987. I remember this song while Michelle drove all of us stuffed into her little Honda on the county backroads to Evansville in the summer time.
65. Favorite Movie: "The Princess Bride", 1987. I didn't discover this movie till college, when we would have viewing parties. I can recite most of the dialogue by heart, much to the chagrin of my children.
66. Favorite Author: I can't pick one. Stephen King, Jonathan Kellerman, Lillian Jackson Braun, JK Rowlings. I love mysteries that make my brain work. Best series ever: the Little House books by Laura Ingalls Wilder.
67. Favorite Musical Artist/Band: Amy Grant, Elton John, Neil Diamond, Shania Twain, Beach Boys
And now, my 30's, aka the new millenium:
68. I only drink whole milk. Skim and 2% are totally gross. Unless they are in my coffee.
69. My Starbucks order is obnoxious. Venti low-fat sugar-free vanilla latte, no foam, extra hot. In fact, in a video at work that portrayed an obnoxious manager, he ordered that exact drink. Ok, not exactly. He didn't say "extra hot".
70. Mike has "venti low-fat sugar-free vanilla latte, no foam, extra hot" written on a card in his wallet. For when he goes to Starbucks for me.
71. I am spoiled. What can I say? My husband loves me. We generally spoil our children as well.
72. We have the best-behaved spoiled children. Maybe they aren't spoiled. They don't expect to be showered with love, attention and gifts --but they are. I think spoiled kids expect it.
73. Pet peeve I hate most: self-centeredness. This covers pretty much any other pet peeve you can think of. Cutting me off in traffic? Self-centered. Yelling into a cell phone on a plane? Self-centered. Allowing your children to climb on the table at Denny's? Self-centered.
74. I visit internet chat boards almost every day. The links are over to the left on my blog. I've made some great friends, but never met any of them in person.
75. I use Instant Messenger almost every day too, to talk to my sister. She just moved to AZ but we still chat just like we live in the same town. PwC has a built in chat client and they encourage its use.
76. I work from home most days. I do occasionally go downtown to meet the client, or to the Tysons Corner office for team meetings. Most days, I'm attending conference calls in my jammies.
77. I am not as organized as I would like to be. I jot down notes and things to do all over the place. Sometimes I make lists with little check boxes. Usually, they are lost and important things are forgotten.
78. I like to say "time for a drink" when I get flustered. But I really don't drink much. I tasted beer for the first time last summer. I like to put salt in it.
79. I sleep with the TV on. All night. I usually have it on CourtTV and switch to the news around 5 am when "Body by Jake" or "Make Money in Real Estate" starts blaring.
80. The only magazine I subscribe to is Entertainment Weekly. We also get TVGuide but I didn't order it - it just showed up one day. I do buy scrapping magazines, but the one mag I subscribed to (Scrapbook Answers) discontinued.

82. I love to work puzzle books - crosswords, sudoku, kakuro, but my favorite are logic puzzles. If Mr. Green sits next to the lady with a yellow hat and Annie is across from the pediatrician, what are the names and occupations of the bridge partners? Just in case you really didn't believe that nerd business from before.
83. I wear headbands almost every day and my hair is just getting long enough for a pony tail. I had long hair when I was little until high school and I miss it. Headbands and pony tails give me a headache.
84. I almost never go barefoot outside the house. I can't stand for my feet to be dirty. The beach is not pleasant in that regard, because how do you ever get all that - blech - sand off before you get to the car?
85. I can't stand other people's feet to be dirty. Now, I am not anti-foot. A foot massage is one of my favorite things. I love pedicures. But I am definitely anti-dirty-foot.
86. I still have (and wear) socks that I bought in Junior High school. Mike gets me new socks all the time. I just can't give up socks that don't have holes. My faves? The black and yellow checked ones.
87. My favorite vacation (even given the dirty foot thing) is the beach. I want to sit and stare at the waves forever. Unfortunately, Mike's idea of vacation is to visit every shop, restaurant, putt-putt, and tourist attraction in whatever state we are in, usually one with mountains. We compromise. Many marriages would be saved if they'd just put a nice ocean in the middle of the mountains.
88. Hey, back to crashed cars. This one is a twofer: A few months after we moved to Boonville, a drunk driver missed the curve and crashed into our parked Chevy Cavalier. He pushed it into our living room, where Mike had fallen asleep on the couch. Then he drove through the yard and crashed into our '99 RAV4 SUV. The RAV4 landed in the neighbor's garden after taking out a fruit tree.
89. The driver ran from the scene. He admitted to being drunk but said he wasn't driving. Later he said he was driving, but fell asleep at the wheel. He spent a weekend in jail. A weekend. I have campaigned against drunk driving since I was a teen, and I will continue to do so.
90. I like to sing, but I'm not so good. Still, I've done it in church, in front of dozens of people. I do it in front of hundreds of people on the beltway too, but they aren't as appreciative.
91. My favorite holiday is Halloween. Most people find that odd for a Christian. I just like the dressing up and fun. It was always so fun as a kid and I love it still today.
92. I think Easter is a more important holiday than Christmas, but I think they are both so commercialized that they've lost their real meaning to most people. We don't color Easter eggs or give our kids Easter baskets. Nana does :)
93. I don't celebrate "greeting card holidays" like Valentine's Day, Mother's Day or Father's Day. We do let the kids make a card, but no flowers and gifts. We celebrate our love and our family every day.
94. I think there's nothing wrong with reading fiction like Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and the DaVinci Code. I don't believe in talking bunnies, but I read Peter Rabbit to my kids. I can read about magic and other stories without compromising my beliefs.
95. I believe that depression is a real illness, and while the power of God can help someone who is suffering, a little medication goes a long way too. I struggle through depression without medication, and have anxiety attacks at least once a week.
96. I believe everything happens for a reason. God has a plan for our lives and gives us choices to make. It's better to ask Him for directions than to wander around between point A and Z. I think He'll always bring us back to point Z. Our way of getting there is just harder.
97. I believe in Heaven and Hell and angels and demons. A great fictional account of spiritual warfare is This Present Darkness, by Frank Peretti. The book fictionalizes what is happening in the spiritual realm that affects our lives in the world.
98. I believe God made the world in 6 days, just like the Bible says. That makes the earth about 6000 years old. Yes, I know about carbon dating ... I'm a chemist, remember? Did you know that carbon dating is based on a 'best guess' and is not exact? Did you know most fossils are dated by the 'layers of earth' they are found in? Do you think a giant flood could have caused all those layers to happen at once instead of over billions of years?
99. I believe Jesus Christ was a real man that lived, died and was resurrected by the power of God. I believe he broke the bonds of sin and allows me to have a close and personal relationship with God.
100. I believe I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phil 4:13). I learned that from Aunt Linda when I was 8 years old and it remains my favorite verse. All things!!
If you made it through all that, you know all there is to know about me. Congratulations. And I'm sorry. :)
Labels: about Pook
This was sooo cool! I'm glad you did it! I learned a lot about my big sis!
Very cool! Glad you did this, learned who I chat with online. You did an awesome job.
#18 made me spit cookie all over my screen, pee on myself just a bit and wake 2 kids laughing (well, they weren't laughing - I was)
#33 impressed the crap out of me and now I'm all paranoid about my own ignorance.
#51 - see what overachieving can get you.
#55 - that's funny that you kept your marriage a secret.
#69 -- I don't even know what that MEANS! but it sure makes #70 sweet.
And what great ending ones. I'm still not done with mine - you've inspired me to go finish...in the next week or so.
hmmm...where can i get me a copy of that footloose encore???
nice job chica - i'm thinking about doing this, but i'm a bit skeered...as should anyone be who reads it, LOL!
fun stuff, thanks!
LOL WOW! That is a lot of info.. and a lot of great info about you.. obviously took a lot of thought and work!!
You are such a cool chick!!
WOWSERS... I love all the nitty gritty - and can totally relate to the stuffed toy collection :D
This is WONDERFUL Tonya--what a great way to get to know you :D
Hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday!
you are a cool woman...samual l. jackson cool...love you!!!
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