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Saturday, January 27, 2007

She's a genius!

Happy weekend. I thought it would never arrive. Actually, it came early for me. I was asleep by 6 last night. Fourteen hours of sleep and I'm feeling great!!

We had a meeting with Aly's teacher yesterday. I had sent a message and asked how she was doing socially and whether the teacher saw the need for advanced work for her. Aly has been working in 4th and 5th grade workbooks at home because she's already done the kind of work that is going on in class. The teacher asked if we could come in for a meeting this week, because she wanted to talk to us too.

Aly has made great progress socially since returning to school after the Christmas break. She still struggles with reacting to children who do not behave, or act the way she expects, but she's doing much better. We received a written review on her academic progress, which was fabulous, and we got to review her notebooks. The teacher then wanted to talk to us about GT (Gifted and Talented). In Fairfax County Public Schools, there are four levels of GT services. The first is just the basic philosophy that all children in the school system are taught critical and creative thinking skills. The second is classroom based. Aly's teacher has already put her desk in a grouping with the other advanced children in the class. When they work on group projects, or even answer questions in class, she is collaborating with the smartest kids in class. The next level includes school-based instruction. For one hour per week, kids leave their classroom and meet with an instructor who teaches them advanced concepts in math and language. The topics vary each quarter, but the last math session focused on Algebra. The next quarter (beginning next week) will be a math session and Aly will attend. She has also qualified for the last quarter of the year (some children do both subjects, and some do only one).
To be enrolled in the highest level of GT services, one must go through the application process. Since Aly joined the school late, that process is over for this year, but Ms. Geihll indicated that based on her spring test scores, she could be enrolled for next year. In fact, the testing is not an "acheivement" test, but an "abilities" test .. an IQ test, and Ms. Geihll is VERY interested to see Aly's scores (so are we). She is certain Aly will qualify (so are we). Oh, I forgot to tell you what level four is! It is enrollment in the GT School. A school where Aly would be around kids who are her age, but who are also as mature and intelligent as she is! A school where she is challenged, where things move at her pace. WOW!

Mike is worried about moving Aly to yet another school. Ms. Geihll believes Aly would do much better socially around kids at her maturity level. I agree. I suppose we shouldn't count our chickens before they hatch, but we are all pretty sure Aly will qualify for this school. The question is whether we should send her? I think it is an opportunity we can't pass up, but we've yet to discuss with Aly. I guess we'll keep an eye on those test scores and see what happens. We are truly blessed to have this child!

Oh, and after the appointment at school, Mike and Aly both had an eye doctor's appointment. They both need glasses. Aly has to wear hers all day at school, plus at home for the computer and TV. Mike needed progressive lenses, but talked his way out of them. I think the doctor gave in because it was his 40th birthday. So, in about a week you'll see pics of the family in glasses. Except Zakary. I'll make him take the picture.



Blogger ~Holly~ said...

Good Luck to Aly!! My Noah sounds alot like your DD-- hes been reading since he was 3 years old and is a really smart little guy!
I don't take credit for all he knows, I don't know where it all comes from lol!
I worry about the school keeping him interested-- everything being taugh in Kindergarten hes known for a LONG time but socially he is doing well :)

1/29/2007 7:59 PM  
Blogger Perri said...

Not only am I glad I don't work, but I'm glad I don't travel for work. Sounds like a nightmare.

As for the school - I would probably go for it.

1/30/2007 11:27 PM  
Blogger Yvette Pupo-Heredia said...

That is great news for Aly-I would probably go for it. It will be good for her. My brother was in the gifted and talented program and did great.

1/31/2007 6:33 PM  
Blogger Leslie said...

Getting glasses is a rite of passage into our family. Every one of us wear them :)

2/01/2007 6:55 PM  

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