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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Another PSA: People who take kids to restaurants

Mike and I went out to eat last night and I would just like to share this Public Service Announcement with people who eat in restaurants with their children.

1. I do not find it cute that your three year old dances through the restaurant while you eat. I find it hard to enjoy my dinner with a set of eyes staring at my plate. Bring something else for your child to DO.

2. Don't allow your 12 year old to text at the table. It is rude. Especially when he has to ask you how to spell "curious". And why does he still call you "Mommy .. Mommy ... MOMMY!!!!!" in public?

3. The nine year old is an obvious middle child. Quiet till you sent her up front to the candy machine (because sugar is definitely what your family needs), then she began to act out. I am sure the restaurant did not decorate just so she could take everything apart.

4. If your 17 yr old is horrified just by appearing in public with you, maybe she's on the right track.

5. I understand that the wait staff is there to, well, wait on you, but could you make some sort of effort to clean up the disaster you left? Or at least pick up the silverware and napkins from the floor?

Mike decided if our family behaved this way, he'd never leave the house. What makes us the saddest is that the children will grow up to have children just like themselves ... selfish, oblivious and with an attitude of entitlement.

And let me ask... If YOU behaved this way when you were a child, what would your parents have done? What has changed our society since then?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww honey, it could have been worse...they could have thrown poo at us and climbed immediately upon our table!

11/22/2007 4:16 PM  

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