Aly, Zak, family, faith, musings, photos, scrap, travel, rants

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

What I have learned ...

Hum this post to the tune of the VeggieTales closing song. Don't know Bob and Larry? Well, if you like to talk to tomoatoes; if a squash can make you smile; if you like to waltz with potatoes up and down the produce aisle.... Have we got a show for you!

Sorry, back to reality now.

I wanted to share what I learned back in Jersey at the New Manager Experience. The firm provided a faux leather journal and here are some of the things I have recorded, as well as what I think now that it's been a few days.

  • I want to make people feel successful by listening to them and providing positive feedback. I think they made me write that.

  • I want to keep an open mind and entertain others' ways of doing things. Even though my ideas are better.

  • I want to more efficiently manage my time. Because working 5.5 hours into the next morning on a report no one else reads really ticks me off.

  • The one insight I gained that could help me inspire someone else to create lasting value? Create personal connections with team members. Looks like I'll be buying some lunches.

  • I need to start listening. I need to continue managing people. I need to stop trying to do it all. I need to get more sleep.

  • I promise I will

    (1) Conduct positive team meetings. I'm positive these people better get some work done.

    (2) Be professional all the time. So I did do this and people kept asking if I was feeling ok.

    (3) Take the time up front to communicate clear expectations. Yeah, like get more work done.

  • Are there times I can ask questions instead of giving orders? I suppose "Are you done yet?" doesn't count.

And a few other things

  • I can have breakfast, class, lunch, dinner and cocktails with complete strangers and not totally freak out. Who knew?

  • I know "when to say when", while many others clearly do not when an open bar is involved.

  • Skipping class is okay when you are really tired.

  • Only in New Jersey would a series of flights to our nation's capital be canceled due to rain.

  • As soon as the flight is canceled, get the rental car and start driving.

  • The NJ Turnpike in the rain, in the dark, is not fun, but once again, no freaking out.

  • My driving scares some people, especially those I've only known for 4.5 days who are riding on the NJ Turnpike in the rain, in the dark.

  • Always fill the rental car at the first gas station you come to. There will not be one anywhere near the airport rental return.

I had a major migraine this morning, but my newfound "not freaking out" independence gave me the strength to not only go downtown to the office this morning, but to drive myself downtown to the office this morning. Yes, I drove into Washington DC. By myself. And made it home in rush hour.

I guess I learned I'm a big girl!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are big, and you crack me up!!!

11/12/2007 11:13 PM  

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