Aly, Zak, family, faith, musings, photos, scrap, travel, rants

Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy Anniversary to Me!

Today is my one year anniversary with PwC. I can't believe it. This has been the fastest year of my life. I mean, at other jobs, a year seemed like an eternity, but I've really come pretty far in the last twelve months, professionally.
  • I am a much better traveler; I rarely get sick on flights (spearmint gum is my secret ... I just pretend it has calming properties).
  • I can pack for a week in one carry on bag (yes, including suits and heels).
  • I can use a laptop without a mouse (pack light!), only that little touchpad thingy.
  • I can ride the Metro (subway), while carting said carryon bag.
  • I know how to navigate downtown Washington DC and hail a cab.
  • I have a Blackberry and I know how to use it (even if I do occasionally slip and call it a Blueberry).

Clearly, I've focused on travel, and that is because of the number of trips I've taken. Besides Washington DC (at least once a month), I have been to Philadelphia PA, Loma Linda CA, Dallas TX, Reddington Beach FL, Tampa FL, Sioux Falls SD, and Walt Disney World (yes, for work, for a week). Here's my schedule for the next couple of months:
  • This week, Madison WI
  • Week of 1/30, San Francisco CA
  • Week of 2/6, Little Rock AR
  • Week of 2/13, Washington DC
  • Week of 2/20, a week at home ahhhhhh
  • Week of 2/27, Asheville NC
  • Week of 3/6, Bronx NY (or somewhere in NY)
  • Week of 3/13, Washington DC
  • Week of 3/20, Portland OR (or somewhere out there)

Clearly, I will have little time for leisure activity. I'll try to keep you updated somehow. :)

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Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Well, nothing unlucky happened to me today, except I did forget one conference call. Oops. It was a long week in DC, but the weather was nice.

I know there are various 'google games', in fact, I played one back in October. And, we've all heard of googling our new friends and acquaintences (or potential dates). But, I was thinking today, what if I googled my street address? I didn't get much on our current address, but from our last one I found

a Millinery Supplies/Fabric Outlet, Bridal Shop and Martial Arts/Dance in St Louis MO
the WI branch of the International Dyslexia Association in Oshkosh WI
an Adult Video Store in Miami Beach FL
a Dentist, Computer Store and the World Footbag Association in Golden CO
the Department of Nutritional Sciences, UC-Berkeley in Albany CA

I also found a website that had me listed under a made-up business name I used to use to get internet freebies (Time for You!). It's a good thing that phone number was made up too!

What can YOU find?


Sunday, January 08, 2006

I think I broke my

Ha! You thought it would be my foot again. Well, I thought I would mix it up a little. Yesterday morning, as a 12th Birthday Present for Zakary, I walked the dogs at the 8 o'clock hour. I even gave them treats for a job well done, but Scrappy stole Butter's treats so I gave chase. I thought I had her, but it was a handful of carpet. My middle right finger did not fare well. Scrappy was apprehended and spent one hour in the crate.
Mike got me an OTC splint at Walgreens but the knuckle really swelled up over night. It was a great story in church this morning. I never went to the urgent care, because by this afternoon it was feeling better, and now I'm typing. The good news is that the middle right finger is used very little. only I (which doesn't hurt OUCH the left parenthesis does though!), K (no movement required) and comma, which i'll skip from now on OUCH. you don't mind runon sentences right?

soooo i'm off for a week in dc then home for a week. i'll post my schedule for the next few weeks soon so you can see what a world traveler i am. :)

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Monday, January 02, 2006

Last Chance

for relaxation. I've spent the day surfing the internet and watching our crazy weather -- 62 degrees and thunderstorms/tornado watches.
For the past 6 weeks I've traveled a lot, for work and with the family, and I'm gearing up for another 6 weeks away from home, but I did have today off (HAPPY NEW YEAR) so I've filled in some posts to catch you all up. I've also figured out how to do email blog posts, so maybe I can send stuff in 'from the road' in January and February. eh, we'll see. I'm not gonna make any promises I can't keep. :)
