Aly, Zak, family, faith, musings, photos, scrap, travel, rants

Monday, November 28, 2005

What a Week - Part 2

Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. It was great to have a couple of days off and see the family again. The kids miss Nana tons and tons, so they had a great time back in Boonville. Mike and I did too, as we actually had an adult dinner and did some kidless shopping. We've got most everything done now. :)

I'm glad we don't eat like we do on Thanksgiving all the time though.

We did visit the old house (PS, that sucker is still for sale if you know anyone who's looking!!) and cleaned the basement carpets. We had the upstairs professionally done, but I didn't think the basement needed it. It did. :)

Now, on to this week. Aly had an echocardiogram this morning because our family doctor heard a murmur. I watched an one of her valves looked a little floppy to me, but we'll see what the Riley docs have to say.

I could not get myself motivated to work today, so I put in all of 90 minutes. Supposed to be catching up now, but I just can't do it. I'll have plenty of hours in this week though. Tomorrow is a trip to Fort Wayne for a Medicare training session (doesn't that sound stimulating), but I can't stay overnight for day two because I have to be in DC Wednesday and Thursday. 7am flight Wednesday, back around 7pm Thursday. Hoping to take Friday off and go to the Children's Museum. I haven't been since Zak was a baby (we got tickets from the Ronald McDonald House), and I know they've added a lot. Should be fun ... if I can stay awake!

Saturday at 5:00 is Mike's ordination ceremony. He hates the attention, but it is important to our church and will be nice. Our Church Council meeting is Sunday night and I'm excited about that. We are going to brainstorm church activities and plan the 2006 calendar. Next week I'm in Sioux Falls SD (Tues-Fri) and then it is a week of vacation in Gatlinburg!! Yay!! Hope I'll have time to write again before Christmas -- but don't bet on it!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad you updated! I like reading your posts, and it makes me happy to know you took some time to relax and unwind...I love you!!!

11/30/2005 7:09 AM  

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