Aly, Zak, family, faith, musings, photos, scrap, travel, rants

Friday, November 07, 2008

It's been seven hours and fifteen days

since I took some time off from work. I feel better, but I also realize that I can't just go back to doing everything people ask of me. I need to take time for me, to exercise, to blog, to write. I need to take care of my kids and my house. I need to be me.

I think I'm ready to go back, slowly.

I got that post title from this video.
Sinead O'Conner is probably most famous for tearing up a photo of the Pope on SNL.
The video is famous because it is a single, uninterrupted head shot for over two and half minutes.
I remember it because when I first met Mike, he used to play it all the time on the jukebox at the bowling alley. He was pining over some chick in Michigan.

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Blogger Perri said...

Slowly is good - and don't lose "you" in the process.

11/08/2008 7:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good perspective - be big and brave, and protect you. For the record she was in Illinois at the time, lol!!!

11/08/2008 11:52 AM  

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