Aly, Zak, family, faith, musings, photos, scrap, travel, rants

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

It's probably been there my whole life

Yes, I do have a brain, but apparently it has an abnormality that has been growing right along with it.
Most of you are not surprised to hear that I am abnormal.
It seems that the MRI shows something weird, but don't worry, we can see you next Tuesday. Good gravy.
The nurse says these things are "usually benign."



Blogger Perri said...

and then they send you home for a long weekend.

Praying you have a peaceful weekend as you await GOOD news from the doctor.

Psalm 112:7-8 I will have no fear of bad news; my heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. My heart is secure, I will have no fear...

11/25/2008 11:12 PM  

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